PANASIA MAGNETICS Co., Ltd. official website online

Release time: 2024-03-26Views:

Panasia Magnetics, located in the Rojana Industrial Park in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Bangkok, is a Thailand-based soft magnet company specializing in ferrite cores.

With the characteristics of high magnetic permeability and low loss at high frequency, ferrite core has the advantage of stable performance, easy mass production, and high mechanical processing performance in various shapes at a relatively low cost.

Diverse application fields include photovoltaics, energy storage, new energy vehicles, on-board charger, DCDC converters, communications, data center, and medical equipment.

As a subsidiary of a publicly listed company in China, Panasia Magnetics is equipped with advanced equipment, professional operational systems, and high-level client groups including BOSCH, Advanced Energy, BYD, MAHLE GmbH, and Delta Electronics, among others.

Devoted in quality, stability, and consistency, we are committed to deliver exceptional service to our customers. By prioritizing customer satisfaction and implementing sustainable practices, we aim to provide smooth client communication and contribute to the society positively.